Izjava za javnost // Salon Sauvignon Ptuj 2022, Art & Wine festival. Sobota, 7. maja


SLO //SALON SAUVIGNON 2022 // Art & Wine festival

Sauvignoni in Cabernet Sauvignoni // Master Class // Vrhunska hrana // Razstavi Zgodbe stolov ter Vino in umetnost // Koncert: Ditka

Dominikanski samostan Ptuj // v soboto 7. maja 2022 //13:00 – 20:00


Mednarodni festival Salon Sauvignon 2022 se je v soboto 7. maja ponovno vrnil v svoj stari domicil: v karizmatični Dominikanski samostan Ptuj.

Tudi v svoji osmi ediciji ga je gostil Ptuj, slikovito srednjeveško mesto, obdano z vinogradi.

Preko šestdeset vinarjev in drugih vrhunskih razstavljalcev iz Slovenije in soseščine se je v soboto 7. maja predstavilo v gotskih križnih hodnikih Dominikanskega samostana na Ptuju. Obiskovalci, teh je bilo preko šesto, so lahko vina užili v miljeju obnovljenega umetnostno zgodovinskega spomenika in se družili na južnem dvorišču, kjer je bil tudi zaključni koncert izjemne glasbene umetnice Ditke.

V okolje festivala je organizator ponovno vključil likovne vsebine; tokrat Zgodbe stolov, ki so jih pod mentorstvom Dušana Fišerja, akademskega slikarja, ustvarili ptujski gimnazijci, in fotografsko razstavo Vino in umetnost, nastalo v okviru istoimenskega projekta, podprtega z evropskimi sredstvi in sredstvi kulturnega ministrstva.

Kulinariko, pripravljeno tako za vsejedce kot vegane, sta izvedli kulinaričnih hiši Gostilna Ribič in Zavoda Na. Pokroviteljica festivalske kulinarike je Perutnina Ptuj.

Salon Sauvignon je pred osrednjim festivalskim dogodkom, v sredo 4. maja, tokrat že petič in v sodelovanju s KGZ Slovenije – Zavod Ptuj, izvedel festivalsko strokovno ocenjevanje. Predsedoval mu je Andrej REBERNIŠEK, direktor KGZ Slovenije – Zavod Ptuj.

Strokovnima skupinama, ki sta ocenili skoraj sto vzorcev, se je pridružil dr. Klemen LISJAK, vrhunski in mednarodno prepoznaven strokovnjak prav za to sorto. Dr. Lisjak je bil hkrati tudi nosilec letošnjega Master Classa, na katerem smo soočali najboljše sauvignone in cabernet sauvignone letošnjega ocenjevanja z izbranimi sauvignoni iz sveta. Pridružil se mu je dr. Erich LEITNER, ugleden mednarodni vinski strokovnjak iz sosednje Avstrije.

Naziv šampiona je pripadel Sauvignonu 2021, Vina Bračko, ki je hkrati tudi prvak v kategoriji suhih vin. Prak v kategoriji zorjenih vin je Sauvignon premium iz soda Vina Leber 2019, suho. Prvak v kategoriji Cabernet Sauvignon je Cabernet Sauvignon Bagueri 2017, suho.

Tako ocenjevalci festivalskega ocenjevanja in udeleženci Master Classa so vina užili iz vrhunskih, ročno izdelanih degustacijskih kozarcev armonia Steklarne Rogaška.


Pokroviteljica festivala je Mestna občina Ptuj. Sponzorsko ga podpirajo ugledni partnerji Mercator, Perutnina Ptuj, Messer Slovenija, Steklarna Rogaška, Vargas-Al Kidričevo, in Agro Zavarovalnica. Medijski sponzor je medijska hiša Večer.


Salon Sauvignon 2023 bo v soboto 22. aprila 2023. Nosilec Master Classa bo v deveti ediciji festivala Darrel Joseph, sodelavec Decanter Magazine, vinski publicist & DWWA vinski ocenjevalec.


Dodatne informacije:

Slavko DOBNIK,

direktor festivala,



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SALON SAUVIGNON PTUJ 2022 // Art & Wine Festival // Sauvignons and Cabernet Sauvignons //Master Class // Top cuisine // Exhibitions: Stories of Chairs and Wine & Art // Concert: Ditka // Dominican monastery in Ptuj // Saturday, May 7th, 2022

The Salon Sauvignon 2022 International Festival returned to its old domicile on Saturday, May 7th: to the charismatic Dominican monastery in Ptuj.

The eighth edition of the festival was, as previous ones were, hosted in Ptuj, a picturesque medieval town surrounded by vineyards.

More than sixty winemakers and other top exhibitors from Slovenia and the neighbourhood presented themselves in the Gothic cloisters. More than six hundred visitors enjoyed wines in a milieu of restored art and historical monuments, socialising in the southern courtyard, where a final concert of outstanding music by the artist Ditka was held.

This time too, the organiser included art content in the festival environment; this time, Stories of Chairs, created by Ptuj high school students under the mentorship of Dušan Fišer, an academic painter, and a photographic exhibition Wine and Art, made as part of the project of the same name, supported by European funds and funds from the Ministry of Culture.

The cuisine, prepared for both omnivores and vegans, was taken care of by culinary houses Gostilna Ribič and Zavod Na. The sponsor of the gastronomy was Perutnina Ptuj.

Salon Sauvignon carried out the festival’s professional evaluation before the main festival event on Wednesday, May 4th, for the fifth time and in cooperation with KGZ Slovenije – Zavod Ptuj. The evaluation team was led by Andrej REBERNIŠEK, director of KGZ Slovenije – Zavod Ptuj.

The expert groups, which evaluated almost a hundred samples, were joined by Dr Klemen LISJAK, a top and internationally recognised expert for this variety. Dr Lisjak also held this year’s Master Class, where we confronted the best sauvignons and cabernet sauvignons of this year’s evaluation with selected sauvignons from around the world. He was joined by Dr Erich LEITNER, a renowned international wine expert from neighbouring Austria.

The title of champion went to a 2021 Sauvignon, Vina Bračko; it was also the champion in the category of dry wines. The champion of matured wines is a premium Sauvignon from the barrel Vina Leber 2019, dry. The winner in the Cabernet Sauvignon category is Cabernet Sauvignon Bagueri 2017, dry.

Both the evaluators of the festival evaluation and the participants of the Master Class enjoyed the wines from top-quality, handmade Armonia tasting glasses from Steklarne Rogaška (Rogaška Glassworks).


The festival’s major sponsor is the City Municipality of Ptuj. The festival is also sponsored by reputable partners Mercator, Perutnina Ptuj, Messer Slovenija, Steklarna Rogaška, Vargas-Al Kidričevo, and Agro Zavarovalnica. The media sponsor is the media company, Večer.

Salon Sauvignon 2023 will be held on Saturday, April 22nd, 2023. The holder of the Master Class in the ninth edition of the festival will be Darrel Joseph, a contributor to Decanter Magazine, wine publicist & DWWA wine evaluator.


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Instagram: salonsauvignon2022

FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1610361392721983