HERGA 2023




Who will all be with us?

VINA HERGA “Posestvo Mon Royal je družinska posest, katere zgodovina sega v 19. stoletje. Slovi po svoji sončni rumeni barvi in čudovitim razgledom nad s soncem obsijane vinograde, ki ponujajo poseben čar in doživetje.
V letu 2022 je posestvo dobilo novega lastnika, družino Herga, ki bo s svojo ljubeznijo do narave ter vina zgodbo tradicije in predanosti vinogradništvu peljala naprej. Cilj družine Herga je v kozarec vina ujeti čisto naravo. Prav tako želijo skozi delo in vino izpostaviti avtentični karakter okolja in leg, ki dajejo izvrstna vina ter jih skozi vina tudi predstaviti.
Vino je emocija, pravijo, in skozi te emocije vinar predstavlja samega sebe, skupaj s svojim delom v vinogradih in navsezadnje z delom v kleti.” Več: https://www.facebook.com/PosestvoMonRoyal
Salon SAUVIGNON Ptuj 2023, Art & Wine festival.
Ninth time - again in the beautiful Gothic cloisters of the Dominican Monastery in Ptuj.
In a picturesque medieval town surrounded by vineyards.
The best Sauvignons Blanc from Slovenia and the world has to offer. Selected Cabernet Sauvignons.
Fine cuisine.
Master Class.
Art. Music.
Ticket price:
€18 in advance and for larger groups on the day of the event.
€21 on the day of the event.
You can book your ticket on the website of the festival salonsauvignon.eu.
Master Class price:
€36 with ticket.
More information at
Phone number: +386 41 328 488
Follow, share and like us on:
instagram: salonsauvignon2023
Salon SAUVIGNON Ptuj 2023, Art & Wine festival.
For the ninth time - once again in the beautiful Gothic cloisters of the Dominican monastery in Ptuj. 22 April.
Within a picturesque medieval town surrounded by vineyards.
The best sauvignons blanc Slovenia and the world has to offer. Selected cabernet sauvignons.
Top cuisine.
Master Class.
Art. Music.
Entrance fee:
€ 18 in presale and for larger announced groups on the day of the event.
€ 21 on the day of the event.
You can reserve a ticket on the festival's website salonsauvignon.eu.
Master Class price:
€ 36 with entrance fee.
Additional information:
Phone number: +386 41 328 488