Ticket price na dan dogodka Salon SAUVIGNON 2023 je 21 evrov.
Karte pa si lahko rezervirate tudi po predprodajni ceni 18 evrov do vključno petka, 21. aprila 2023. Dovolj je, če sporočite number of cards (teh je lahko največ šest na posameznega naročnika), vaše ime in priimek and vašo e-pošto.
Podatke bomo zabeležili, karte pa boste lahko v času festivala po predprodajni ceni kupili na festivalski blagajni na vhodu v Dominikanski samostan Ptuj.
Če kart ne boste dvignili, nimate do nas no commitments.
We look forward to meeting you!
Ekipa festivala Salon SAUVIGNON 2023
Ticket price for the Promenade of Flavours in Celje is €18 and can be paid at the festival ticket office on site.
You can also book tickets by pre-sale price €16 until Friday 9 September inclusive, and you pay the invoice at the event itself. Just let us know number of cards - up to six per client - your name and surname and email. We will record the information and you can pick up tickets in your name at the ticket office on the day of the event.
If you don't raise your cards, you don't have to us no commitments.
As we want to bring friends together, they will Groupsfor groups of six or more, cards on the day of the event can be purchased for €16.
We look forward to meeting you!
Celje 2022 Taste Promenade Team