Who will all be with us?

MUSTER GAMLITZ // Südsteiermark // Avstrija

SLO // V naši kleti verjamemo, da je dobro vino narejeno predvsem z ljubeznijo. Temu dobro uveljavljenemu receptu sledimo že leta. S predanostjo timskemu delu in obrti pridelujemo pristna vina in žgane pijače. Klasična in uravnotežena po okusu.

Naša klet se nahaja v čudoviti vinski regiji Južna Štajerska v Avstriji. Ilirsko podnebje in senca Alp ustvarjata različne vremenske razmere – ure sredozemskega sonca, velika temperaturna nihanja in obilno deževje. Čeprav se te okoliščine zdijo težke, nam po drugi strani dajejo edinstvene prednosti. Umirjenost, vedrina in potrpežljivost so potrebni za doseganje potenciala rastišča Ilirije.


D // Wir meinen guter Wein wird vor allem mit Liebe gemacht. Dieser Rezeptur folgen wir seit Jahren. Dem Handwerk verbunden, aus ehrlicher Überzeugung. Ausgewogen im Geschmack. Klassisch im Sinne von altbewährt. Unser Weingut liegt in der Südsteiermark. Wetterbestimmend ist hier im Windschatten der Alpen das illyrhische Klima. Gegensätzliche Witterungen mit mediterranen Sonnenstunden, großen Temperaturschwankungen und ergiebigem Regen. Auf dem ersten Blick nicht aussichtsreich, sind wir uns den einzigartigen Vorzügen bewusst. Und kreieren mit Ruhe und Gelassenheit vertraut natürlich guten Wein.

ENG // Here at our winery we believe that good wine is above all made with love. We have been following this well established recipe for years. With dedication to teamwork and the craft, we produce authentic wines and spirits. Balanced in taste, classic, and time-honoured.

Our winery is located in the marvellous wine region South Styria in Austria. The Illyrian climate and shadow of the Alps create varying weather conditions – hours of Mediterranean sunshine, vast temperature fluctuations and heavy rain. Even though these circumstances seem hard, they give us unique advantages on the other hand. Calmness, serenity and patience are necessary to extract the Illyrian potential.


Salon SAUVIGNON Ptuj 2023, Art & Wine festival.
Ninth time - again in the beautiful Gothic cloisters of the Dominican Monastery in Ptuj.
In a picturesque medieval town surrounded by vineyards.
The best Sauvignons Blanc from Slovenia and the world has to offer. Selected Cabernet Sauvignons.
Fine cuisine.
Master Class.
Art. Music.
Ticket price:
€18 in advance and for larger groups on the day of the event.
€21 on the day of the event.
You can book your ticket on the website of the festival
Master Class price:
€36 with ticket.
More information at
Phone number: +386 41 328 488
Follow, share and like us on:
instagram: salonsauvignon2023
Salon SAUVIGNON Ptuj 2023, Art & Wine festival.
For the ninth time - once again in the beautiful Gothic cloisters of the Dominican monastery in Ptuj. 22 April.
Within a picturesque medieval town surrounded by vineyards.
The best sauvignons blanc Slovenia and the world has to offer. Selected cabernet sauvignons.
Top cuisine.
Master Class.
Art. Music.
Entrance fee:
€ 18 in presale and for larger announced groups on the day of the event.
€ 21 on the day of the event.
You can reserve a ticket on the festival's website
Master Class price:
€ 36 with entrance fee.
Additional information:
Phone number: +386 41 328 488